Teacher Evaluation Comments From Principals
Teacher evaluation comments from principals are crucial in assessing and acknowledging teachers’ contributions in shaping the learning environment. Principals provide valuable insights into teachers’ strengths and areas for improvement through these comments.

When used correctly, these comments from principals can spur teachers to go above and beyond expectations, ultimately impacting students’ development positively and improving educator effectiveness.
Teacher Evaluation Comments for the Top Performer
As school leaders, principals can help top-performing teachers stay motivated with positive comments. But for these comments to make an impact, they should be personal and honest. That means principals need to evaluate teachers properly to make sure they’re doing an excellent job before using the comments below.

- I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to you, [Teacher’s Name]. We couldn’t have reached this point without your unwavering efforts. Let’s persist in refining our work together. Well done!
- You really stand out in the challenging job of meeting different student learning needs. Your skill in adjusting lessons means students can reach their full potential. Great job!
- Your strong leadership is inspiring. You encourage both students and fellow teachers to do their best and strive for excellence. Keep up the great work!
- Teaching can be quite challenging, and [Teacher’s Name], I see you putting in a lot of thought and effort. Your dedication to our students is commendable, and I want to express my gratitude for your continuous work to improve their education. Thank you!
- Teaching is indeed a labor of love, and I see your dedication to making your classroom a positive and welcoming place. Your efforts really make a difference in our school’s atmosphere. Thank you for shaping our school in such a positive way.
- Your deep understanding of your subject makes everyone trust you. Not only the students but also your colleagues. You bring a lot to our team with your knowledge. Thank you.
- [Teacher’s Name], I want to say thank you for keeping everything so organized in your classroom. It really helps make a good place for student learning.
- Your open and clear communication with families is invaluable. I truly appreciate and commend how you work with them to help our students succeed.
- I’m impressed with how you always try new and creative teaching methods. Your hard work makes learning fun and interesting for everyone. Keep it up!
- Your teamwork with colleagues really makes a difference. I appreciate how you bring positivity and contribute to creating a friendly and cooperative environment in our school. Thank you.
- I appreciate the positive feedback from families, especially about your work, [Classroom Teacher’s Name]. They all have good things to say about how you teach. Keep up the good work!
- Adapting to change is not always easy, but you’ve shown remarkable flexibility and resilience in the face of the evolving educational landscape. Your ability to handle these changes is truly commendable.
- I appreciate how you always give helpful feedback to the students. Your dedication to helping them improve and grow is really important. Thank you!
- Your kindness and support for students are admirable. You’ve built a safe and welcoming space in your classroom where they can express themselves and grow. Great job!
- Dear [Teacher’s Name], it’s evident that you truly love what you do. Your passion shines through, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for your dedication.
- Your patient approach to teaching with illustrations is truly unique and shows you know what you’re doing. Thanks for your efforts.
- Thank you for dedicating time to teaching and providing plenty of examples to help students understand the lessons better. Your efforts are truly appreciated.
- I see how much support and encouragement your students receive. This creates a positive atmosphere for academic growth. Thank you.
- I like how you change things up, making the class interesting for the students. Keep up the good work!
- [Teacher’s Name], you consistently provide evidence indicating that you either meet and/or surpass our teaching goals. Your dedication to achieving high academic standards does not go unnoticed. I appreciate your hard work!

Teacher Evaluation Comments for Improving Performance
Sometimes, teachers fall short in their delivery in the classroom or general duties. While positive comments can keep motivation up, providing constructive feedback without being overly critical can help guide them toward professional growth.
The following teacher evaluation comments from principals are crafted to pinpoint areas for improvement and, more importantly, support underperforming teachers on their journey to growth.
- Dear [Teacher’s Name], I’ve observed that there is room for improvement in your classroom organization for teaching and learning. It’s important for us to work on this together.
- It’s really important to discuss your habit of finishing lesson plans late. We need to make sure your teaching approach is more organized and efficient.
- We can work on making your connections with students better to create a more conducive learning environment. Let’s focus on improving how you build positive relationships with them.
- I’ve noticed that your class management could be better to make learning more enjoyable for students. Let’s work together to improve how you manage the classroom.
- [Teacher’s Name], it’s important to grade assignments promptly. This ensures timely feedback and supports the progress of our students.
- [Teacher’s Name], your current teaching approach doesn’t fit all the students in the class. If we work on addressing each student individually and adjusting teaching methods to suit different learning needs, it will contribute to a more inclusive classroom for everyone.
- You should work on getting students more involved in class. This will make lessons more engaging and interactive for everyone.
- I strongly recommend getting involved in professional development opportunities that address differentiated instructional approaches. It would greatly benefit your teaching practices and make you more effective in the classroom.
- I noticed a lack of clear communication with students’ families. It’s crucial to improve this aspect and focus on building a better partnership to support the success of our students.
- I’ve observed a need for improvement in your commitment to curriculum goals. Strengthening this aspect is crucial to ensure that students meet the necessary academic standards, preparing them for success in life after school.
- Dear [Teacher’s Name], consistently being present and on time is important. This sets a positive example for students and helps maintain a professional teaching environment.
- I notice your reluctance to participate in extracurricular activities. However, getting involved is important as it can make a positive impact on the school community and provide additional support to students.
- You need to be more proactive in handling disruptive student behavior. Improving in this area will help create a more positive and focused learning environment for your students.
- [Teacher’s Name], try using more real-life examples in your lessons. It can help students understand better and make your teaching more interesting. This change can lead to better performance in the classroom.
- [Teacher’s Name], you need to improve your attendance and participation in faculty meetings. It’s important to stay informed about school policies and work with other teachers to create a collaborative teaching environment each school year.

Giving more effective and helpful feedback can greatly benefit teachers, and with our staff evaluation software, a principal can efficiently document every step of the staff evaluation process. Our software streamlines the evaluation journey from walk-throughs to self-evaluations, supporting evidence, and performance analytics, encouraging continuous improvement and teacher growth.
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- Evaluation, our teacher evaluation software, which documents every step of the staff evaluation process, including walk-throughs, self-evaluations, supporting evidence, reporting, and performance analytics.