Principal Leadership Skills: Leading with Vision
Principal leadership skills play a pivotal role in affecting the student achievement, environment, attitude, and overall climate of a school. Successful oversight can transform schools into effective incubators of learning, places where students are not only educated but challenged, nurtured, and encouraged.
The Principal Role
According to Krasnoff, Northwest Comprehensive Center at Education Northwest, the principal role is defined by building connections between teachers, pupils, parents or guardians, the educational system itself, and the community at large.
Principals play an important role in providing ongoing professional development for teachers and staff. In order to create and maintain a successful learning environment, they must be competent in many different areas:
- Principals must be able to lead by example and inspire their teachers and staff members to do their best.
- They need to be passionate about education and have the ability to instill that passion in others.
- The need to provide strong leadership, create a solid foundation, and focus on attainable goals.
A school principal is responsible for all areas of a school, including but not limited to:
- Scheduling classes
- Curriculum development and management
- Teacher performance assessments
- Budgeting and managing school resources
- Creating a vision of academic success based on high standards
- Cultivating leadership in others
- Creating a safe environment conducive to learning
- Managing people, data, and procedures to support school development
- Improving instruction to enable instructors to promote high-quality instruction and student engagement and growth
- Supporting teachers’ growth and development
Characteristics of an Effective PrincipalAccording to research, "a healthy school environment" includes both tangible qualities like "safety and orderliness" as well as intangible qualities like "supportive and responsive attitudes" toward students.Principals must have the knowledge, abilities, and experience to focus on instructional leadership and optimize teachers' individual performance as well as the school's overall success if they are to be effective in turning around low-performing schools and driving student learning.An effective principal:
- Understands the importance of building community
- Empowers teachers and cultivates leadership skills
- Uses data and resources appropriately
- Creates collaborative, inclusive learning environments
- Provides continual, informal feedback and support toward goals
- Has a clear understanding of instructional goals
- Conducts announced and unannounced teacher assessments or classroom visits then follows up with feedback
Many principals try to involve persons from outside the school community, such as parents and local business leaders, to promote school education. Communication is important, and having stakeholders on board allows an easier transition to innovative strategies and techniques designed to improve success. The role of the principal has changed dramatically in recent years and will continue to do so. With the ever-growing emphasis on accountability, it is more important than ever for principals to have the skills and knowledge necessary to lead their schools effectively.Six Skills Needed to Become a Successful PrincipalIn just one year, highly effective principals can raise students' standardized test scores by up to ten percentile points, reduce student absences and suspensions, and enhance graduation rates. Possession of these six skills goes a long way to ensuring a greater chance of success as a principal:1. Leadership SkillsSuccessful principals are effective leaders. This means being able to inspire and motivate teachers and staff, as well as developing a shared vision for the school. You should be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively and create a positive and productive working environment.2. Communication SkillsAs a principal, you will need to be an excellent communicator, both in speaking and in writing. This includes being able to communicate your vision and goals clearly to others, as well as listen to and understand the needs of your staff and students. You should also be able to handle difficult conversations calmly and diplomatically.3. Organizational SkillsOrganization is important to effectively manage all the different aspects of school administration. This includes being able to plan and prioritize tasks as well as keep track of deadlines and paperwork. You will also need to be able to manage finances and budget effectively.4. Decision-Making SkillsAny leader needs to make quick and effective decisions to solve problems and keep the organization running smoothly. This means being able to weigh all the options and choose the best course of action while dealing with difficult and stressful situations calmly and confidently.5. Interpersonal SkillsBuilding strong relationships with your staff, students, and parents is key. This includes being approachable and open to communication, as well as being able to resolve conflicts effectively. Building a positive and supportive school community is important.6. Problem-solving SkillsFacing difficult problems is a significant portion of the principal job description. Be able to carefully weigh all options and choose the best course of action in a professional manner, instilling your staff with confidence in your abilities. Tips for Effective School LeadershipA true leader understands the capacity of their staff, promotes open communication, and provides useful feedback. Here are some additional tips on how to be an effective school leader:
- Establish clear goals - Set reasonable goals with a clear path to success. Make sure to communicate with your staff regularly so that they understand their individual roles in accomplishing these goals.
- Listen to staff ideas - Never assume that your solution is the only solution. Set aside time for interacting with staff and responding to their ideas and concerns. Creating a people-first culture shows staff that you value their input and take them seriously.
- Lead by example - Even small actions can be an opportunity to model the behavior you would like to see in your staff. Serve as an exemplar to others, and they will be more willing to follow suit.
- Provide regular, constructive feedback - Providing feedback doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Evaluating staff can be a platform for offering praise and boosting confidence, working together to ensure that students receive the best education possible.
- Focus on earning respect rather than popularity - Center your decision-making process around student needs. If you demonstrate the core value of your decision-making and are consistent, most staffers will accept unpopular decisions, especially if you communicate the research and reasoning behind these choices.
Final ThoughtsEffective principals have an impact on many aspects of the educational experience, including student achievement, recruiting and motivating quality teachers, articulating school vision and goals, and allocating resources effectively. Therefore, it is important to possess skills and characteristics conducive to leading staff and students through each year of their educational journey