12 Characteristics of Effective Leaders
In the modern context of business, the allocation of resources and the influence of behavior are both necessary to accomplish organizational goals. Effective leaders realize the need for constructive management of employees, but also accept that success ultimately rests on the behaviors and actions of their knowledge workers. Leadership is a burden accepted on behalf of the team, not solely a position of authority or a mere achievement to which one aspires. How many of the characteristics below are you fostering in your own organization?
#1 – Reasons Don’t Matter
Effective leaders never make excuses. They are responsible for every possible dependency.
#2 – Communication is Key
Effective leaders overcommunicate everything. They realize that communication occurs in the recipient and is only confirmed when the recipient demonstrates understanding.
#3 – Success is Shared
Effective leaders celebrate the success of everyone on the team. They understand that true success is only achieved when everyone on the team is successful.
#4 – People and Teams Improve
Effective leaders constantly work to improve the team through hiring and development. They recognize that what enabled the team to get where they are will not be good enough to get where they’re going. Furthermore, effective leaders build a new generation of leaders in the process.
#5 – Team Members are Treated Like Adults
Effective leaders treat others the way they want to be treated. They are honest and consistent. They set clear expectations and hold people accountable for results.
#6 – Processes are Clear, Efficient and Effective
Effective leaders recognize that it is their job to organize the team. People are more effective when they know what to do and how to do it. Effective leaders create, evaluate and work constantly to improve processes that assist the team in achieving maximum results.
#7 – Optimism is Infectious
Effective leaders recognize that the tone is set at the top of the organization. They work to create an atmosphere of optimism and are always pushing the team members to be their best selves.
#8 – Risks are Calculated and Embraced
Effective leaders recognize that a team that never fails is a team that falls short of what it could be. They work to make sure that risks are taken in a way that drives the team forward without creating undue harm for themselves or the company.
#9 – Vision is Clear
Effective leaders communicate a vivid, inspirational, long-term and measurable picture of the future of the organization. The vision is clearly defined and reached through planning strategies.
#10 – Problems are Identified and Analyzed
Effective leaders identify and analyze problems through a data-driven perspective. They are transparent and open-minded as they progress toward a fully developed solution.
#11 – Decisions are Evaluated in a Timely Manner
Effective leaders identify critical factors that can impact outcomes, use strong analytical and interpretive skills, and evaluate options and priorities. They do all of this in a timely manner.
#12 – Candor and Honesty are Crucial
Effective leaders practice radical honesty. They communicate facts to build a team that is comfortable facing truths, rather than manipulating the message to benefit any individual peer, subordinate or supervisor. Effective leaders also understand that communication is not only about what is said, but also about what is not said.
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